Tuition Business Solutions

Ideas for your Advent Calendar

Depending on your set-up, you may have closed for the Christmas break. However, a break does not mean that you cease to communicate. Communication is your lifeline between you and your current / potential customers, so you need to to continue to interact with them in every which way (within reason of course!) possible. The celebration periods are always a great time to reach out and show your customers that other side to you and your business. If you don’t already, package the professional and personal for that unique experience. There are a number of ways to do this, but in keeping with the spirit of Christmas, we thought we’d go with something that is known to everyone - The Advent Calendar! What if you thought out a number of promotional ideas to offer your customers over the course of the 12 days leading up to Christmas, with a mega surprise / offer on the 12th day. Now wouldn’t that be something….!

“What on earth am I going to offer…?”

Dig deep into your archives and look for offers / promotions that did well in the past. Dust them up and with a little rejigging, they should be good to go. Perhaps this might be a great time to introduce a new service or product ahead of the new school year; trial it out and gauge the response levels, to see if it’ll soar to success or crash land like a lead balloon. Include interactive initiatives or engaging activities, with mini prizes / gifts to be won. Everyone likes a gift! Are you still stuck…..? Not to worry, we have a few suggestions that may help you get started:

Introduce your holiday campaign. Unveil a special festive discount or offer available exclusively for the holiday season.

Share a daily learning tip or study hack related to the holiday season. Encourage engagement by asking students to share their own tips.

Highlight a student success story. Share achievements, improvements, or unique accomplishments, and tie it to a promotional offer for new enrollments.

Take your audience on a virtual tour of your tuition center, showcasing the festive decorations and creating a warm, welcoming atmosphere.

Create a fun and educational holiday-themed quiz. Offer a discount or a small prize for participants, and encourage them to share their results.

Provide access to an exclusive online resource, such as a holiday-themed study guide or practice materials, available only for those following the advent calendar.

Host a live Q&A session on social media, addressing common academic concerns or offering advice for effective study habits during the holiday season.

Run a giveaway for a free parent-teacher consultation session. Participants can enter by sharing the post or tagging friends.

Engage your audience with a festive trivia challenge. Offer a discount code to those who answer correctly or share the post.

Share daily inspirational quotes related to education and success. Invite followers to share their favorite quotes for a chance to win a special prize.

Announce a limited-time flash sale on specific tutoring packages. Create urgency by highlighting the short duration of the offer.

Wrap up the advent calendar with a grand finale announcement. Introduce a major promotion, giveaway, or exclusive offer to thank your audience for participating.

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Here are a few more ideas that might interest you:

Set up an account on one of the streaming platforms and create a playlist. Share that curated playlist of instrumental music or ambient sounds to help students stay focused during their study sessions. Include a surprise offer for playlist enthusiasts.

Share simple and creative DIY study space decoration ideas. Encourage students to share their own setups and offer a small discount for the most festive study space.

Feature another inspirational success story, but this time, focus on someone who overcame academic challenges. Connect it to a promotion for personalized tutoring plans.

Share holiday-themed writing prompts to inspire creativity. Encourage students to share their responses, and offer a discount for a creative writing or language arts program.

Host an online educational game challenge, either through quizzes or interactive learning games. Award a special discount or prize to the highest scorers.

Provide a virtual tour of an online classroom environment. Highlight the features that make online learning engaging and effective, and tie it to any online tutoring offers.

Share testimonials from parents about the positive impact your tuition services have had on their child’s education. Connect it to a referral program or a discount for new enrollments.

Share subject-specific study tips for core subjects. Offer a discount on tutoring sessions for the highlighted subjects.

Host a live mindfulness or stress-relief session for students. Tie it to a promotion for relaxation techniques or mindfulness resources (Tip: this could be an offer from one of your collaborations with a local business that offers this service 🤫).

Offer a virtual career guidance session, providing insights into educational paths and future career options. Connect it to a promotion for career-focused tutoring or counseling.

Host a live Q&A session with your tutors. Allow students and parents to ask questions about learning strategies, exams, or any academic concerns.

Build anticipation for Christmas Eve by teasing a special, exclusive offer that will be revealed on Christmas Day. Encourage followers to stay tuned for the big surprise.

Unveil the grand finale with the ultimate offer or giveaway. It could be a scholarship, a free tutoring package, or a significant discount. Celebrate the joy of learning on Christmas Day 🎉.

Remember to engage with your audience throughout the advent calendar, respond to comments, and encourage them to share their experiences and participate in the various activities.

Use engaging visuals, interactive elements, and holiday-themed graphics to make the advent calendar visually appealing and shareable. Use a dedicated hashtag to track engagement across platforms.